Let’s Grow Good Food


Acadia Tucker’s longtime love affair with perennial foods has produced this easy-to-understand guide to growing and harvesting them. A regenerative farmer deeply concerned about global warming. Tucker believes there may be no better time to plant these hardy crops.


This is a handbook for growing a Climate Victory Garden when the enemy is global warming. Acadia Tucker, a carbon farmer and gardener, invites us to think of gardening as civic action. By building carbon-rich soil, even in a backyard-sized patch, we can capture greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change, all while growing nutritious food.


Climate activist and farmer Acadia fell in love with container gardening after glimpsing its potential to produce food—lots of food. By applying select growing practices, and managing for square inches rather than square feet, she has come up with instructions for growing a small-scale farm in your patio, on your stoop, or in your dining room. If all you want is a garden just big enough to line a windowsill, she’s got you covered there, too.